It's easy to get wrapped up in your own stuff when you're an artist. "Why didn't I get that part?" "How come I can't sell that script?" "Why do I have an audio problem and have to re-shoot my awesome short film?" The fact is when people are artists, we're setting ourselves up for disappointment. And I say that being the most optimistic guy you know. It's the trade off of having the best feelings in the world when things go your way. See, when people go to their office job, or the job they just "fell" into, they're playing it safe. No risk, no putting themselves out there. So of course, no disappointment. But I digress. It's Summer time! And as the saying goes, "the livings easy".
Hollywood is slow right now and the kids are out of school. For those of you that have kids and a wife/husband and are artist, you know that it is a balancing act. You love your kids and wife and WANT to give them the time they deserve. Not to mention a break from the kids for your wife, because parenting is a full time job. On the flip side you HAVE to put the time into your craft so someday you can look back and know all that time you put in is what made all the difference. And when you are a writer, director, actor, husband and dad that also had two "real" jobs it's hard to find the time to stay sane.
But as I mentioned before it is summer. My kids are now at the age where they're all about having adventures. The trick is to multitask when you have kids to keep everybody happy. My daughter Logan got a bike last Christmas, and for much of January through May it's been in storage. She's too young to take it out by herself, I'm working all the time, and Kelly has her hands full with the boys. What we've been doing is first and foremost is keeping her bike in the car so it's ready to go. I can't tell you what a world of difference that makes. Then right after she wakes up and grabs a little something to eat, we drive down to the bike path on the beach. It's about a two mile round trip route. She rides, I jog. She gets an adventure and I get to exercise. Now that's a win win situation.
Then there are the boys. The problem we have it that there are two. Twins create logistical problems that I won't even go into right now. Lets just say it's hard to take them out if only one parent is available. It can even be dangerous depending on what you're doing. We make it a point of joining up at some point of the day and getting everyone out of the house.
Living in Santa Barbara, the most beautiful place in the world (besides all those other beautiful places in the world) and there are lots of things to do. So yesterday we went down to the docks and let the kids drive "Little Toot". Thanks Little Toot guys!!!
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